Saturday, 16 April 2011

Australian Brumby

1. The Australian Brumby, first arrived here in 1788. Because of their natural warm climate in Australia, only the fittest survived. Some of them even died on the trip here.The first horses where used for farm work. When horse racing became a sport in 1810, high quality Thoroughbreds where imported from England and brought to Australia.

2. The Australian Brumby is not any particular color or size because domestic mares sometimes escape and join wild herds, so a strong fence is necessary. They are also sometimes mixed breeds like Draught horses, and Thoroughbreds because they love to escape.

3.This breed is resourceful, Strong and can consume poisonous plants.

 This particular AB (Australian Brumby) is Bay Dun in color with two coronet markings on his hind legs and dark eyes.


                                                                  I Like This Breed Because:
                                                                     Of Its Resourcefulness 

                                                                      Thanks For Reading!
                                                                         Sincerely Yours

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